Unannounced visits to senior care facilities

Unannounced visits to senior care facilities

No one looks forward to putting a loved one in senior care facilities or a nursing home. The task of choosing the right senior care facility can be overwhelming. While everything might look good on the initial visit, there are several things you can do to protect your elderly or disabled family members from mistreatment and harm.

Using a private investigator to help prevent worker’s comp fraud

Using a private investigator to help prevent worker’s comp fraud

We all pay a price for worker’s comp fraud, but businesses shoulder the majority of the costs and responsibly.

Businesses pay higher worker’s comp premiums because insurers pass the high costs of fraud onto their policyholders. Often the premium increases are large and very damaging —especially for smaller businesses that can least afford higher premiums. Workers lose jobs because businesses often must reduce their workforce, move to another state, or even go bankrupt because of higher premiums.

Cold cases: How a private investigator can help

Cold cases: How a private investigator can help

Across the country there are hundreds of thousands of unsolved crimes and cold cases. Private investigators have proven to be very valuable in assisting clients in helping to solve murder, kidnapping, rape, stalker, and felony crime cases. They can shed new light or bring a different perspective with the hopes of bringing these cases back out into the open. Ultimately, a private investigator can assist clients in these cases by helping them fill in the details surrounding a case.