Private investigator Thomas G. Martin

Coronavirus & Free Locate Services for Missing Family Members

These are some uncharted and anxiety-driven times, to say the least.

Over the past 10 days, there’s been a spike in the number of people calling our office, asking us to locate their relatives. The level of interest is similar to that of the Christmas season. People seem concerned and worried about relatives that they haven’t seen for some time – be it for a few months or many decades.

Locate people, find missing persons, runaways and old friends

Home for the Holidays: Locate Friends & Family for only $69

Is there someone in your life that you miss dearly or you have just become disconnected from?

Would you be willing to spend $69 for our staff to access one of the world’s largest databases of information to help locate that person?

$69 is the same price from the television ads that we ran in 1997. Today, the regular price of this service is $495.

Through December 31, 2018, we will honor the $69 price when you contact us via the website and mention this offer.