Seeing Brittany Through Daddy’s Private Eyes

Seeing Brittany Through Daddy’s Private Eyes The premiere of The New York Times documentary “Controlling Britney Spears” has brought new and explosive revelations to what started two and a half years ago as a small fan-based fringe movement The #FreeBritney campaign has now reached a fever pitch.   The documentary features Alex Vlasov, a…

The Case of the Hollywood Celebrity Divorce Bugs. Video. Martin Investigative Services. (800) 577-1080

The Case of the Hollywood Celebrity Divorce Bugs

In the case of a celebrity divorce, when two famous and powerful people in Hollywood go to war in court, each side has the money to hire multiple attorneys, private investigators, forensic accountants, and other experts.

A few years ago, Martin Investigative Services was retained by a celebrity in this situation. When our client disregarded our specific advice, it ended up costing him multiple millions of dollars more in his divorce settlement.